The May 2018 New Politics podcast presented by Eddy Jokovich and David Lewis – filling in all the gaps left behind by the mainstream media.
Listen in through iTunes | SoundCloud | YouTube – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Three sections in this edition:
A Failing Budget
[17 minutes]
The 2018 Budget was a classic ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ Budget. Who remembers any of the key points, aside from ‘personal tax cut’, and ‘surplus’? (** Read the fine print: tax cuts may happen in seven years time). Perhaps that was the main and only message.
Gaza Disaster
[12 minutes]
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, scores of Palestinians have been killed and injured by the Israeli army at the border of the Gaza Strip, and the UN Human Rights Council voted to hold an investigation into the incident – we do need to find out. But why did Australia (along with the US) vote against the resolution to hold an inquiry?
Full transcript coming soon…
The Spectre Of An Early Election
[13 minutes]
Will the Australian electorate go to the polls in 2018? They will – either through a series of five byelections (on July 28), or a general election – to be held in August or November 2018 – according to our expect assessment. Listen to find out why.
Full transcript coming soon…