In today’s rapidly shifting political landscape, key issues such as super-profits taxes, wealth inequality, environmental protections, and housing affordability dominate the headlines. Yet, with every critical issue comes political gridlock, a clash of ideologies, and a struggle to find equitable solutions. New Politics explores these pressing matters, dissecting the debates, and cutting through the noise to explore what’s really happening behind the scenes.
The conversation around a super-profits tax is heating up, with increasing calls for corporations and the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share. Should we introduce a wealth tax to even up the scales? We take you beyond the headlines, unpacking how governments have wrestled with these ideas over the years and what’s keeping us from achieving a more just taxation system. Politics!
But taxes aren’t the only issue up for debate. Environmental policies are also under the spotlight, as Australia’s national environmental protection measures face the risk of being watered down in favour of short-term political gains. Why is the government negotiating with a Liberal Party that consistently opposes environmental protections? Why are new coal mines and gas projects being green-lit despite the clear environmental risks? We explore not just the failures in environmental governance, but the political motives that continue to block meaningful reform.
Of course, no conversation about current politics is complete without discussing housing affordability. With millions of Australians locked out of the property market or struggling under ever-rising rents, what can be done? Whether it’s the Australian Greens’ proposed National Renters Protection Authority, or the government’s Housing Australia Future Fund, or the Coalition’s push to let superannuation funds be used for home purchases, we dig into the myriad policy proposals being floated and how they play into the wider political landscape as the nation inches closer to the next federal election.
We bring you the unvarnished truth about what’s happening in Australia’s political scene, with a fearless approach to tackling the big issues and intersection of policy, politics, and public interest. This is New Politics, where the real conversations happen, and where politics is more than just a headline.
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Song listing:
- ‘The Message’, Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five.
- ‘Let It Rock’, Kevin Rudolf, ft. Lil Wayne
- ‘State Of The Art (A.E.I.O.U.)’, Jim James.
- ‘Praise You’, Fat Boy Slim.
Music interludes:
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