A secretive parliamentary day in Canberra
Yet another riveting day in Parliament Question time, replete with insane Dorothy Dix questions from Government MPs, and relentless questions from Labor about the broadband [>>>]
Yet another riveting day in Parliament Question time, replete with insane Dorothy Dix questions from Government MPs, and relentless questions from Labor about the broadband [>>>]
There was a clear case of selective economic interpretation in Parliament last week, where the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, castigated the ABC’s senior economics editor, [>>>]
It was the affair that almost stopped the nation, as well as almost stopping the government. Will Barnaby Joyce still be the Deputy Prime Minister [>>>]
There is no compelling evidence that giving the country’s biggest companies a tax cut sees that money passed on to workers in the form of [>>>]
I was hoping today was going to be Barnaby-Joyce-free day but, in the current climate, that was never going to be possible. Especially when Joyce [>>>]
It has been difficult to focus on other matters in federal politics – and that’s understandable, given we’ve got the Deputy Prime Minister and leader [>>>]
Tonight, Barnaby Joyce is under strong pressure to resign from his position as Deputy Prime Minister, and from Parliament, after a meeting with senior National [>>>]
Is it any surprise the 2017 Closing the Gap report, released today, shows that in four of the seven key areas, Australia is still lagging [>>>]
Well, what a week in federal politics. Not so much about the revelations about the affairs of the Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, but the [>>>]
Let’s go back in time: it’s the evening of 24 November 2007, and Labor leader Kevin Rudd is making his election victory speech at Brisbane’s [>>>]
In a perfect world, elections should be free and fair, and based on the relative merits of the policy proposals provided by each political party, [>>>]
One of my greatest bugbears is getting off trains during peak period. As you’re trying to get off the train when it arrives at your [>>>]
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