Listen to our latest podcast! The contents:
Forget The Dismissal, forget Fine Cotton, the Hilton Bombing and even the Offset Alpine fire. The Ruby Princess is shaping up to be one of the biggest scandals in Australian history. And all under the noses of the NSW and Australian Governments. Sports games are not being played at the moment, but gosh, politicians are fantastic at playing the blame game.
And it’s an ugly spectacle seeing NSW Health and Australian Border Force blaming each other. We do want to see the blame games continue but only if we end up finding out who made the decision to allow the Ruby Princess to dock in Sydney Harbour with so many infected people on board. And why. We think there’s a great deal of corruption involved.

Our new book! Divided Opinions is the story of the 2019 year in Australian federal politics, told through a collection of extended notes from the New Politics Australia podcast series, and a selection of political essays published online. A number-1 bestseller on Amazonā¦ Buy it now!
Governments can rarely be trusted. Even when the public has offered them so much goodwill to solve the health and economic caused by the coronavirus virus, they are so keen to play their political games and mislead the public. Coal mines in Sydney? Yes, the NSW Government just approved a coal mine extension under a major Sydney drinking water basin.
Losing working rights? Yes, the Australian Government wants to undermine the Fair Work Act. And it’s all happening because the electorate is busy watching the coronavirus. That’s why scrutiny needs to be maintained.
George Pell has been released from jail after the High Court quashed his conviction of historical child sexual abuses. Whatever happened to the notion of juries sitting at the apex of the legal system? Well, it gets thrown to the bottom of the scrapheap with unlimited finances and legal resources available to help win your case. And that’s what the Catholic church managed to do.
We agree with Mr Bumble, the character from Oliver Twist: The law really is an ass.
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