It’s the final week of Parliament for 2021 and it’s much the same as all the other ones in recent weeks: chaos and dysfunction, and a peculiar interest in all of the issues that don’t really matter too much.
This week’s interest? The anti-troll social media legislation which no one has ever asked for, would be ineffective (in the unlikely event that it was ever actually made into law) – but at least it took up two full days of national debate.
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Anything to avoid working on the issues that really matter: climate change, an anti-corruption commission, health, education… who knows, maybe even the economy? These are all critical issues, but what does the Morrison government want to focus on? Picking a fight with Mark Zuckerberg. Another act from a lazy government, which seems to always be on holidays, even when Parliament is sitting.
15:49 A community grassroots campaign in the seat of Deakin
And there are a number of community grassroots campaigns in the seat of Deakin, with the main aim of removing the sitting member, Michael Sukkar. We speak to Kieran Simpson from the Shady Sukkar campaign, and they are totally unimpressed with Sukkar and want to see him go.
And as Kieran suggests, if Michael Sukkar puts himself first, it’s up the electorate to put him and the Liberal Party last. And that might end up being the result at the next federal election, and not just in the seat of Deakin.
Music interludes:
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